Thursday, December 18, 2008

GingerBread Houses

Warning do not put the gluey frosting stuff on your face .  It makes your skin rash.  All of our faces (even though we have diff. skin) when we washed them were rashie red. But it Was still fun.

So it is like a week a way from Christmas and I am so excited.  I have been coming up with little things for the kids to do.  On Sunday we made little Snow men out of Those craft foam balls.  The kids decorated them soo cute.  (I forgot to take a picture of them though my bad).  And then on Tuesday julie and I got the kids some Gingerbread house kits from Wal Mart.  The kids were so funny making there houses and putting on the candy.  I had funn helping and watching the kids.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I wanted to tell everyone in my life how very grateful I am for you,  for all that you have helped me through.  I am always grateful, but especially today for my family and friends for helping me through all that has been placed in my path.  I still have really bad days and I probably always will.  But i am grateful for the gospel and for temples.  For all the many great things that are done in them.  I miss my son and husband soooo very very much today.  And I feel like curling up and crying but I am trying to be strong  for my sweet little girl (My angel Baby) and for all the rest of the people around me.  Holidays and certain other days of the year are very hard for me.  But I am so grateful for all of my family and other people near to give me a hug and support and a shoulder to cry on.  May god bless everyone of you for the good u do each and everyday,  and for all the help that you give to me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

California Fire!

The fire was really bad and scary to drive through.  There were soo many police cars and fire engines everywhere.  I think that they shut the Freeway down right after we crossed through it.  The fires were burning on both sides, and there was so much smoke everywhere. I am very glad that Trin slept through that part of our trip home from California.

Memory Game

1. Add a comment on my blog. Leave one memory that you have had with Me, It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about us, we'll assume you're playing the game and i'll come to your blog and leave one about you!

Jordan Makai

Jordan Makai
My beautiful baby boy

how many lickes does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop


We people of the world are exposed to sickness and disease. We go to the Dr. for prescriptions to help remove the infection/germs from our bodies.  It goes round and round.  We will never be rid completely of these nasties. Until the end of time...   As you can probably tell I am sick today.  It sucks!