Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Very Long Week

Well, it is only Wednesday and i am already so wiped out.  I started a new job this week at everyones fav place, Wal E world.  Yeah for me.  So far all i have done for 2 days is there orientation.  It is a very long process.  We have gone over a lot of stuff, so info I have retained and some not so much but it has been thrown at me fast and in a big bulk.  Trin has gone to school everyday, a halloween party, and a dance class,  and lots of other thing in between.  I feel as tho I have been running around a lot, and yet I still have more to come.  All I can say is BRING IT ON!
Good luck to us all during the rest of this crazy week.


Jake said...

Mary!! Hi!! You daughter Trin in so beautiful and you look great too! Hope you are doing well... I was so saddened to hear of your little boy... He is adorable!

Thanks for commenting on my blog!!
Let's keep in touch!

Lauren and the kidlets said...

LOL I totally know how those days are! at some point I know that were gonna miss them...... maybe! LOL!

Mangelson's said...

Our week has been a long one too. I'm hoping in will be over with soon.

Jordan Makai

Jordan Makai
My beautiful baby boy

how many lickes does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop


We people of the world are exposed to sickness and disease. We go to the Dr. for prescriptions to help remove the infection/germs from our bodies.  It goes round and round.  We will never be rid completely of these nasties. Until the end of time...   As you can probably tell I am sick today.  It sucks!