Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lava Lava

My baby girl found her papa's lava lava in one of my drawers and decided she wanted to where it for church. So I wrapped it up around her (i hope I did it right).  She looked so cute I had to take pic's of her.

1 comment:

Mangelson's said...

Oh she looks beautiful. Good job.

Jordan Makai

Jordan Makai
My beautiful baby boy

how many lickes does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop


We people of the world are exposed to sickness and disease. We go to the Dr. for prescriptions to help remove the infection/germs from our bodies.  It goes round and round.  We will never be rid completely of these nasties. Until the end of time...   As you can probably tell I am sick today.  It sucks!